Monday, February 19, 2007

Alice In Wonderland

I decided to start this blog because I couldn't figure it out last week and nobody else has yet :)
Alice in Wonderland is a really strange book so far, but I can't say that I am surprised because I have seen the Disney movie so many times and it is not a whole lot different. Alice falls down a hole and enters another world where there is nothing but talking animals. Alice is a very strange and curious girl who talks to everyone, often offending them, but not as much as she talks to herself. Many people think that Carroll was on certain drugs when writing this book and once again I am not surprised, things like the queen of hearts and especially the caterpillar are just too weird and almost inappropriate. I really enjoy this book because it reminds me of when my mom used to read it to me. Some people may think it is not something you should read to your children but children don't know what a hookah is or understand the underlying messages that come across, it is a wonderful book that will spark their imaginations.


Claudia said...

Yeah, Alice In Wonderland has always been a mysterious type of story. I have seen the Disney movie and and I remember a show on the Disney channel about 8 years ago. The beginning of the book is entertaining, but it also makes you question what exactly does everything mean, it seems like the author wrote something that was meant to have alot of meanings. I can think of one of the most known parts of the story "when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her". This is a very famous part and many movies have used following the white rabbit and falling down the rabbit whole as a theme. In the movie The Matrix, that is part of the theme in the entire series.

lindsey said...

Reading Alice in Wonderland as an adult and reading it as a child are definitely two very different experiences. We take a more critical look at the story and try to pick apart everything the author writes. Children on the other hand, are simply reading for entertainment. There are many things one could find innapropriate about this story, one example being the lullaby the duchess sings to her baby. However, I think a child reading this is more likely to focus on all the bizarre characters and outrageous things happening to Alice rather than the things we notice that are creepy, or off beat for a children's story. I think we also have to remember that this story was written a long time ago, when criteria for a children's story different than it is now.